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From Pokhara to Kerala 2015


So here: This is who I dare to be now,

I am nothing else than myself

Perfection is unattainable and dull when is not being pointless

I am not defined by the perception of others

Not a sign nor a symbol, not a thing to hover.

I am personal.

This time I promise to my person, to keep reaching for my goals and aim for success through actual tangible experiences that envelope me in joy. To get in, get on and get over it. 

Live my life.

I promise to live to smile, to cry and to wonder.

I promise to try to understand that I am entitled to happiness and to achieve such is my own responsibility.

Today, I wish for a world:

I wish for a world capable to stop fucking up the natural resources and the rest of the living beings around us with selfish acts of human nature.

I wish for a world caring enough to remember that the earth does not orbit around our demands. 

WE WERE BORN TO BELONG. Find your lane and paint it in colour!

We were born to be part of an entity, equipped with tools, beauty, language and identity. Own it. We are present, to be a part of something that revolves in synergy towards an ideal that is far greater than us. Gravitas. Embrace the load. Get stronger.

And more fucking importantly; I promise to pray my way to the faceless godliness that lives within, for resilience and gratitude, so I can navigate better through the bad, the mad, the nasty and throughout all the bullshit.

Kay Altamira